Monday, December 9, 2024
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About Us

Institute of Research in Learning Disability (IRLD)

Mahatma Gandhi University has established  Institute of Research in Learning Disability (IRLD) under School of Behavioural Sciences, a unique department focuses  on special education, rehabilitation and mental health  of individual with disorders. The department also focuses  on the human resources  development for serving the differently-abled sections of the society.

IRLD has been established with the aim of conducting research studies to strengthening the inclusive education system by providing special in-service teachers of general education, to deal the students with learning disabilities in general class rooms.

IRLD with faculty members and  researchers of School of Behavioural Sciences in the discipline of psychology, clinical psychology, special education, public health and  social work contribute in the area of human resource development and training.

Student, teachers, managers, workers and health professionals are now in  need of a support  system in the way  of information and training. Human potential can be utilized only through proper training. That is the underline factors behind the programmes of IRLD.

Objectives of IRLD

  1. To conduct research in the field of Learning Disabilities
  2. To Develop assessment instruments and remedial modules for LD
  3. To impart training to primary school teachers on special education and rehabilitation  services
  4. To impart training to institution leaders and managers of non-voluntary agencies on leadership skills, communication skills and other management techniques with regard to LD
  5. To conduct various short term training programme for people working in the area of educational rehabilitation of individual with LD
  6. To conduct extension activities to empower PWDs


IRLD envisions to excel in the fled of learning disabilities and cater  to the scholastic and developmental needs of the individual, through continuous creation of knowledge base.


  • Conduct of research programmes in learning , learning  process and learning disorders
  • Conduct study among children with learning disorders, scholastic backwardness and children with various leaning problems.
  • Extension activities among children with learning disorders and their parents.
  • Develop innovative approaches in the remediation and management of learning disorders.
  • Establish linkage with national and international organizations for academic and research programme

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